

I started WAG at a point in my life where I was feeling pretty demotivated about my overall health and fitness. I felt like I wasn’t getting stronger in the gym and I was beginning to pack on the pounds. I was really upset that my body wasn’t reflect


When I started WAG I was literally in the middle of a move into a new home and I wasn’t going to the gym. In fact, I had very little motivation to go to the gym because the only thing on my mind was the move. I also wasn’t thinking a lot about my nutrition – I ate large quantities of pizza or any other take out 4 times a week and I would accompany those meals with very large glasses of red wine. After joining WAG my eating habits changed dramatically overnight, which in a high stress time is very challenging! But with the support of my coach, Alexa Mina, I stuck with macros and I started seeing changes almost immediately. Within a month of starting WAG I also joined a CrossFit gym. I needed a push and I got it from my coach. Alexa reminded me about my goals and how training would help me reach them. I currently workout 3 times a week.

My current macros are 110P/130C/45F so I can’t have pizza all the time. Instead I’ve been eating more fruits, veggies, and lean meats. I still enjoy pizza every so often if it fits my macros. And I’ll enjoy a 4oz glass of wine on occasion. Not having wine all the time has made me appreciate it even more. It’s like a real pleasure to hold that glass and savour every sip.

On a side note: because I’ve become very invested in the foods I eat I’ve noticed some really bad habits that I used to have. For example, I frequently turn down donuts, chips, chocolate, and other savoury treats while at work. I didn’t realize just how much snacking I was doing while at the office. I also used to eat beyond my limits. So instead of having 2 slices of pizza I would have 3 or 4 – I used to eat a lot for someone my size and nowadays, I don’t do that.

My initial goal was to lose weight and regain motivation for training but WAG has been much more than that. With the encouragement and guidance of my coach I’ve tackled my sleep, nutrition, stress, and fitness. Alexa’s there to educate, support, and encourage me through this process. And she’s done that so well! Without her I’d probably have reverted to some old habits by now. I’ve learnt so much from WAG from the blog posts, the coaching, and the Facebook group, but at the end of the day, changing old habits is a very challenging process and requires time, energy, money and effort. A LOT of EFFORT! But it’s completely worth it! I’m a lot less grumpy than I was before. I feel more confident and I have a lot more energy. I wanted to lose weight at the beginning but I’ve essentially changed my whole life as a result of joining WAG.