Jessica Holton


I wanted to see changes I thought I should be seeing for the amount of effort I was putting in


I have always considered myself to be a "healthy" person - I eat relatively cleanly, exercise regularly, and make sure I get a good amount sleep. That being said, I started to get really frustrated because I wasn't seeing the changes I thought I SHOULD be seeing for the amount of effort I was putting in. Enter Working Against Gravity. My husband and I joined together and agree that it is one of the BEST decisions we have made. With the help of my phenomenal coach Kelsie Goddard and the super-supportive community of WAG'ers online, in 12 weeks I lost 16 lbs! Best of all, I have maintained that weight loss. Why? Because WAG is not a short-term "diet". It is truly a lifestyle change! I have learned how to eat in a way that fuels my body, and how GREAT I feel when I am "dialed in". I may not weigh and measure and track my macros forever, but I WILL carry the lessons I have learned and the confidence I have gained because of WAG with me long after I am done with the program.