Jennifer T


Improve athletic performance, increase overall health, and develop a positive relationship with food.


I joined Team WAG after seeing members in my CrossFit community completely transform their bodies through the program. I had loosely counted macros in the past, but accountability always seemed to be an issue when trying to reach my goals. I was really good at the "binge and restrict” cycle, and I identified with the quintessential “fad dieter.”  I was also deathly afraid to step on a scale because I knew the number staring back at me could make or break my day, even my week.

My coach has been such an inspiration and a solid foundation for me throughout the course of my journey. With her coaching and guidance I have learned so much about fueling my body properly, as well as various techniques to keep me from falling back into my old eating habits. She has taught me that the number on the scale is just that… a number. I no longer give the scale power over my emotions, and it has been so freeing! I eat foods that I love every day, and never feel as though I am missing out! I would recommend WAG to anyone who is looking to dial in their nutrition, improve their overall health, and help them become the best version of themselves! Go WAG!