Carly A.


I was a bad day eater. Any time I felt overwhelmed or stressed or sad, I would go out to eat or order food or have a few drinks. Then 2021 happened. I didn’t have a kitchen for six months, snd at the tail end of that, I lost my dad to leukemia. After that, every day was a bad day. 

After running a relay race with my coworkers, I realized how uncomfortable I was in my body. I had gotten so much slower. And during the CrossFit Open, my performance had gone down significantly from the year before. I knew I needed to change, and I needed help to be accurate and accountable. 

Joining WAG was the best. It has been so helpful in teaching me about how to eat and fuel, but more importantly has changed the way I think about food. I wasn’t using food as comfort on those bad days, I just really didn’t want to cook. It overwhelmed me. And counting macros always seemed so complicated. In reality, I learned that food is so simple and you can make it as easy as you want. And any time I get frustrated with something, my coach, Pam, has the exact right advice I need to hear to make me think “oh, yeah this is not a big deal”. 

I have lost (and kept off) 40 pounds since starting with WAG. I still enjoy every food and beverage. Only now when I eat out or order food or have drinks, it’s because I’m in a good mood or enjoying myself with good company. My performance in the 2023 CrossFit Open improved by 20% from the year before, and I have only continued to see myself getting better and better every day. Most importantly, I am comfortable again.