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Alyssa Ray


ABS and always feel good about my body no matter the number on the scale.


I LOVE WAG. At first, I was overwhelmed with all the measuring and planning I had to do... But it became part of my lifestyle and I couldn't imagine it any differently now. There were times in the beginning where I didn't want to measure, but I did because WAG and my AMAZING Coach Hillary gave me the right mentality that I am in control of how fast I get to my overall goal. And when people start to notice all the hard work you are putting in, it's a great feeling. As time went on, measuring and prepping everything got a lot faster and simple. WAG is amazing because it allows me to be able to have dessert or a special treat when I want, and planning that ahead of time is super important as I have found. There were a few times where I went over my numbers and I was really hard on myself, but I started up the next day ready to hit those numbers perfectly! When you set yourself up for failure, you are going to fail. But if you prepare and believe in yourself and your goals, you will always win. After some time, I started to really realize the number on the scale didn't matter, but how I looked and felt about myself truly did. I always look at myself in the mirror before I weigh myself because there have been times where the scale surprises me, but I know my eyes don't lie and I loved what I was seeing and feeling! I am forever grateful for WAG. ❤️