Alesha Booth


My goal was to lose weight and change my relationship with food.

So far I have lost 20 lbs!


The program is life-changing and life-giving - not only through the science of personalized macro profiles but the one-on-one relationship and accountability with a coach. I have been off and on a "diet" since I was a teenager. This is the first time in my life that I am properly fueling my body while also reaching my weight and fitness goals.

My coach Tara has been instrumental in helping me navigate the physical and emotional side of this journey. As a busy working mom of 3 I just "didn't have time" for myself. Now, our family is busier than ever and instead of making excuses, I've learned to prioritize my meals and workouts each day. I can be a better mom to my children when I feel better! Tracking has become second nature, and the emotional rollercoaster of eating is no more. Literally, anything I want to eat, I can track my day around to enjoy it. But I've found that more often than not, I crave nutrient-rich foods because of the way they make me feel and perform.

For the first time in years, I can wear anything in my closet, and get through the weekends without weight gain from binging on all the "bad foods". In 5 months, I've lost 20 pounds and gained a whole new relationship with food. I'm not at war with my body anymore. We can work together and accomplish big things - and that makes me excited for the future!