Katlin Kallmeyer


My goal was to have some accountability. Eat better so I could feel better and move better in weightlifting.

I lost about 12 kilos. We really didn’t cut too much. Maintaining is so much easier now that I learned not to make an anthill a mountain! My biggest lesson learned from Alex! If I make a mistake have a bad day or weekend just get back on it the next day, no need to just continue to make the anthill a mountain. Slip-ups happen!


WAG was honestly life-changing. Like most, I gained the COVID 19 😂. I’ve always been bigger but I had a weight I was comfortable at and I far exceeded that when I first started. Weighing about 12 kilos heavier than normal, I was feeling sluggish, slow, recovery wasn’t the best, I wasn’t as mobile and I just felt uncomfortable in my own body.

Thanks to a little push from my Catalyst team I signed up for WAG and Alex was immediately amazing. We were able to go off my current macros and start from there. We slowly started just making better choices all around. I had small goals, only eating out twice a week. Fruit or veggie with each meal, etc. Small things so they weren’t HUGE and I was able to stick to them and make a difference and habit change. Alex helped with other things such as making sure I was sleeping correctly and enough, training was going well, work stress was down, you never really think how much everything you do affects everything else. I can’t recommend WAG and Alex enough. I have learned skills I know I can take with me for the rest of my life and I am forever grateful for that!