Shea Whitney-Grannell


@8 weeks postpartum lose body fat, regain strength in a healthy way for baby and Mom while exclusively breastfeeding


One year ago today I started my journey with WAG. When I was pregnant with our second child I researched flexible dieting and macro counting. I knew this is what I wanted to start doing once I was eight weeks postpartum. I stuck to my plan and went for it! I was quickly impressed with how much I was eating and how great I was feeling. I was busy with a toddler and a newborn but I stuck to it and made this a personal priority and I started to lose weight instantly. I had never experienced weight loss like this before. At my first weigh in I was 170lbs on August 24, 2015. Today I weigh 139lbs; I have cut fat and built muscle.

I turned 40 this past December and I had a goal to be 145lbs. I was just four months into my plan and I reached my goal weight and kept losing from that point on. Nine months into my journey I reached my lowest weight of 134 lbs. I never stopped working out and in fact my strength increased and because I was weight lifting my composition changed drastically. Several years ago I was an avid Crossfitter but I had to stop doing it due to having a young family. I never thought I would be able to do pull-ups again after working so hard to get to that point. Well, I am back to doing pull-ups and I am lifting the heaviest I have ever lifted. I just hit a PR of a 205lb back squat!

Three months ago I decided to try a reverse diet. I have been able to stick to my plan and see even more changes with my composition. I now weight 139lbs but because I started adding more carbs and fat back in gradually to my plan my composition is becoming more lean and muscular. Even though I have gained 5lbs, that weight is in muscle. I want to see how high I can get my carbs and fat up without gaining fat. And this is a gradual process. I thought I would share with you my before and present photos to show that this plan works if you stick with it. It's important to me to share this transformation with you because we are all in this together. I'm super thankful for my coach Nikki who helped me weekly and thankful for the support I have had from my husband. I'm also proud of myself for sticking to a plan and reaching my goals!

WAG is so great at what they do and gives you the support that you need to reach your goals. As a Mom of a toddler and one year old this was the best thing for me. I was eight weeks postpartum when I started with WAG and I was able to exclusively breastfeed the entire time with WAG and my daughter benefited from my plan. I ate more than I haver ever eaten and was never depriving her. This was always my priority and I made that clear from the beginning. They not only worked with me but they worked with both of us! Thank you WAG for what you do and for doing it so well! This has lit a desire in me to help others the way you have helped me.